ChopMaster Saw Blade for Chop and Miter Saws
• These top quality chop, miter and radial arm saw blades produce tight, perfectly cut miter joints with no bottom splinters
• Forrest Chopmaster blades work with all makes of chop, miter and radial arm saws
• Now available in PTB (precision trim blade) signature line version for prefinished crown molding and composite molding.
Specially designed for chop, sliding compound miter saws and radial arm saws.
Made with double-hard C-4 Submicron Carbide for up to 300% longer life. A heavier than normal steel plate maintains maximum stability for the best cut. A 5 degree negative face hook also adds to optimum rigidity when cutting.
Each blade is hand-straightened to a runout of .001/.002 for maximum cut quality. The tooth style selected (4 points and flat) maximizes steady, clean cuts with no bottom splintering. Grabbing and throwing of scrap cut-offs has been minimized by our design. You will be surprised by the extra-smooth, tight miter cuts you will get with this blade.
Forrest Chopmaster from Stephen Price on Vimeo.